About the Study Part 1:
Online Survey
Part 2:
Geospatial Maps
Part 3:
Home Study

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About our team

Maps and Directions

Study Contacts


About the Study

Looking for the survey? Click here.

The Sleep and Healthy Activity, Diet, Envioronment and Socialization (SHADES) study aims to gain a better understanding about sleep as it relates to health, behavior, and the physical environment. This study is funded by the National Institutes of Health.

Why is this study important?

Sleep is an important part of health and functioning. When we don't sleep well, we don't feel well, we have trouble thinking and concentrating, and many of our body's systems become disrupted. In order to improve people's lives by improving their sleep, we need to better understand how and why people sleep the way they do. This will help us better understand the links between sleep and diet and exercise, neighborhoods, work and home demands, etc. This study is the first of its kind to measure sleep in this way.

Your participation is important!

If we contacted you to participate in the study, we really need your help. We have spent countless hours across several years to make this study happen, because we believe that the answers it will give us have the potential to help many people. But we can't do it without you. We need you to participate. All it will take is about an hour of your time to fill out an online survey. You will even be compensated for your time.

What do I have to do?

All you have to do is fill out a survey. The survey is online, takes about an hour, and can be completed from any internet-ready device, such as a computer, tablet, or even a mobile phone. If you don't have access to a computer or other mobile device, you can make an appointment to come down to our offices in University City (2 blocks or less from bus, trolley, subway or regional rail). To make an appointment, email SHADES@sleephealthresearch.com or call (334) 267-5337.

Take the survey, or learn more.

Go right to the survey.

Who are we? Read about our team.

Maps and directions to our offices.

Learn more about the survey (Part 1 of the study).

Learn about Part 2 of the study (Geospatial Mapping).

Learn about Part 3 of the study (Home Study).



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