PVT-Touch: Psychomotor Vigilance Task for Android
The PVT was developed by Dr. David Dinges over 20 years ago and remains the most well-validated indicator of performance deficits attributable to sleep loss. This version was developed to work on touchscreen Android devices. The PVT-Touch software is free for non-commercial research use. For more information or to download the software, visit
Kay M, Rector K, Consolvo S, Greenstein B, Wobbrock JO, Watson NF, and Kientz JA. (2013). PVT-Touch: adapting a reaction time test for touchscreen devices. Proceedings of PervasiveHealth 2013: The 7th conference on pervasive computing technologies for healthcare.
Grandner, M. A., Watson, N. F., Kay, M., Ocano, D., and Kientz, J. A. (2018). Addressing the need for validation of a touchscreen psychomotor vigilance task: Important considerations for sleep health research. Sleep Health, 4(5): 387-389. PMID: 30241651. PMCID: PMC6152888.
Sleep Practices and Attitudes Questionnaire (SPAQ)
The SPAQ was developed over the course of several years to capture how and why people sleep the way they do in the real world. The questionnaire was built around health behavior theory, focued on the Health Belief Model, Theory of Planned Behavior, and Transtheoretical Model. To access the SPAQ, contact me. The SPAQ is free to use for all non-commercial research purposes. It must be licensed for other purposes and cannot be re-distributed without permission.
Grandner, M. A., Jackson, N. J., Gooneratne, N. S., and Patel, N. P. (2014). The development of a questionnaire to assess sleep-related practices, beliefs and attitudes. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 12(2):123-142.
Grandner, M. A., Patel, N. P., Jean-Louis, G., Jackson, N. J., Gehrman, P. R., Perlis, M. L., and Gooneratne, N. (2013). Sleep-related behaviors and beliefs associated with race/ethnicity in women. Journal of the National Medical Association, 105(1), 4-15.
Brief Index of Sleep Control (BRISC)
The BRISC is a short, 4-item questionnaire that quickly quantifies the degree to which an individual is in control of his or her sleep. Many people do not get enough sleep because they do not have control over when they go to bed or wake up. This measure can be used to assess how much control a person has over their sleep, and this may be a key factor in helping people sleep better. To get access to the BRISC, contact me. The BRISC is free to use for all non-commercial research purposes. It must be licensed for other purposes and cannot be re-distributed without permission.
Grandner, M. A., Olivier, K., Gallagher, R. A., Hale, L., Barrett, M., Branas, C. C., Killgore, W. D. S., Parthasarathy, S., Gehrels, J., and Alfonso-Miller, P. (In Press). Quantifying impact of real-world barriers to sleep: The Brief Index of Sleep Control (BRISC). Sleep Health.
Assessment of the Sleep Environment (ASE)
The ASE was developed to quickly and comprehensively measure the degree to which the physical environment disturbs sleep. It is brief, easy to administer, and quick to score. To access the ASE, contact me. The ASE is free to use for non-commercial research purposes. It must be licensed for other purposes and cannot be re-distributed without permission.
Olivier, K., Gallagher, R. A., Killgore, W. D. S., Carrazco, N., Alfonso-Miller, P., Gehrels, J., and Grandner, M. A. (2016). Development and initial validation of the assessment of sleep environment: A novel inventory for describing and quantifying the impact of environmental factors on sleep. SLEEP, 39 (Abstract Supplement): A367.
Other Clinical Sleep Tools
Here is a growing list of tools that I use in gathering clinical data and with patients/clients. If you use any of these, make sure to acknowledge the source. Also note that many of these resources are copyright their respective owners, and are provided for informational use only. Therefore, I believe that this constitutes "fair use" as defined by law. Please respect the owners' copyrights.
Visit Dr. Grandner's website for access to additional clinical tools, including:
2-Process Model (Handout)
3-P Model (Handout)
Autogenic Training Exercise
Breathing Exercise
Jet Lag Tips (Handout)
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Script
Relaxing Imagery Script
Sleep Diary (Handout)
Sleep Diary from Clinic (Handout)
Sleep Diary Basic (Handout)
Sleep Diary (Spanish Handout)
Sleep Diary (Excel Template)
Sleep Hygiene Tips (Handout)
Stimulus Control (Handout)
Other General Clinical Tools
Visit Dr. Grandner's website for access to additional clinical tools, including:
Feeling Words
First Session Outline
Letter and Category Fluency
Mini Mental Status Exam